This original water color painting depicts a blue space scene. A large blue planet with rings dominates the front left side of the painting with smaller planets or moons to the side and further back. The background features a galaxy with a variation of cool blue tones and a splattering of stars. When the lights are off, the painting glows in a variety of blue tones. Dark blue/violet swirls with aqua and light blue on the large planet. The smaller planets/moons shine forth with a cool pale blue glow. In the background the aqua stars pop out of a dark sky.
This is an original one-of-a-kind 5″x 7″ watercolor painting. A black mat with a white core is included. The mat should fit in most 8″ x 10″ picture frames.
To charge the glow-in-the-dark painting it is best to have it near a window or other bright light source. Ambient light will still charge the painting, but the glow will be more subdued.